# Configure proxy for Telegram

QBittorrent Bot can be configured to use a Telegram proxy to connect to the Telegram API. This can be useful if you are behind a firewall that blocks direct connections to Telegram.

To configure QBittorrent Bot to use a Telegram proxy, you will need to add a proxy section to the config.json file in the telegram section. The telegram section should have the following format:

"telegram": {
    "bot_token": "1111111:AAAAAAAA-BBBBBBBBB",
    "api_id": 1111,
    "api_hash": "aaaaaaaa",
    "proxy": {
        "scheme": "http", // http, sock4 or sock5
        "hostname": "myproxy.local",
        "port": 8080,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "admin"


  • scheme is the protocol to use for the proxy connection. This can be http, sock4 or sock5
  • hostname is the hostname or IP address of the proxy server.
  • port is the port number of the proxy server.
  • username (optional) is the username for the proxy server.
  • password (optional) is the password for the proxy server.