QBittorrentBot is an open-source Telegram bot that enables seamless management of qBittorrent downloads directly from Telegram.
By contributing to QBittorrentBot, you can help improve this valuable tool for qBittorrent users. Your contributions can range from fixing bugs and enhancing existing features to adding new functionalities that enhance the bot's capabilities.
Adding translations
If you are multilingual and would like to help us make QBittorrentBot more accessible to a wider audience, you can contribute by adding new translations or improving existing ones using Transifex:
Visit the QBittorrentBot Transifex Project.
If you don't have a Transifex account, sign up for one. If you already have an account, log in.
Navigate to the "Languages" tab to view the available languages. Choose the language you want to contribute to.
Locate the specific string you wish to translate. Please note that the text between "${" and "}" should not be edited, as they are placeholders for dynamic content.
Click on the string you want to translate, enter your translation in the provided field, and save your changes.
If your language is not listed, you can request its addition.
Once you have completed your translations, submit them for review. The project maintainers will review and approve your contributions.
Thank you for helping improve QBittorrentBot with your valuable translations!